Posts Tagged ‘Google Chrome Mac’

Google overnight has updated the development channel version Google Chrome, this time turning on extensions for Mac.

This is new version is in addition to the beta version, which Mac users have been able to test for the last few weeks.

Almost 1,400 extensions are currently available for Chrome users.

Mac users wanting to test out extensions can install the developer build of Google Chrome from the Chromium Developer website, noting that this is a development build and is prone to bugs.

Beta users of Google Chrome Mac will have to wait until current code migrates from the Dev to Beta channel to test out extensions.

Google ChromeGoogle has finally released Chrome Beta for both Mac and Linux.

Version has been promoted to the Beta channel for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Mac users who had a previous developer  build installed will automatically be moved to the Beta channel.

Chrome on Linux is integrated tightly with native GTX themes, while updates are managed by the standard system package manager.

Mac users will also notice that Chrome has a native Mac OS X graphical user interface.

Download links are below:

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Google ChromeTechCrunch has received word from Google that Google Chrome for Mac is indeed scheduled for release in December this year.

“As I’m sure you know, we generally don’t comment about timelines for releasing specific features or products. But we’ve been quoted a few times saying Chrome for mac should be out by the end of the year” said the Google spokesperson.

The release is expected to be similar to the Windows release, with a beta version released first, with a stable release coming within weeks of its initial greater public release.

We will keep you updated as more news on this story comes in.

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Google ChromeGoogle has gone on record stating that they expect to release Google Chrome for Mac by the end of the year.

Chrome for Mac is currently available for testing on Mac, but lacks many privacy features and is not recommended for every day browsing. The Google Chrome team hope to have this sorted out before the year’s end.

Google is also looking at increasing its market share. “If at the two-year birthday we’re not at least 5 percent (market share), I will be exceptionally disappointed. And if at the three year birthday we’re not at 10 percent, I will be exceptionally disappointed,” said Chrome Engineering Director Linus Upson.

The test version of Google Chrome for Mac can be downloaded from the Chromium website.

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Google ChromeThe Chrom dev team have finally released early builds of Google Chrome for Mac.

The builds, which are still only in the dev channel, is now stable on Mac, but is still lacking features with the dev team not recommending the browser for every day use.

“Google Chrome for Mac OS X Developer Release is a very early release version and does not yet have some of the functionality that a full general release version would have. Many of the features still under development affect the privacy behavior of Google Chrome for Mac OS X. The issues marked in bold text below will be resolved prior to releasing Google Chrome for Mac OS X to the beta channel for broader consumer use” says the note from Google.

A download link is available from the Early Access Release Channels on the Chromium website.

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Google ChromeGoogle has released the first early development builds of Google Chrome for Mac and Linux, but has stressed these builds are far from complete and are missing many common features.

According to Chrome developers, these builds lack the ability to watch YouTube videos, the option to print, change privacy settings amongst a large list of other missing features.

Those still wanting to test out the browser on these new platforms can use the links below:

Download Google Chrome for Mac OS X
Download Google Chrome for Linux

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Ars Technica has posted a great review of the current state of Chrome for Mac. Included are two videos showing how far Chromium has come in just the last few months.

Karen Grünberg said “we’re working as fast as possible and progressing as fast as we can without compromising security” and suggested that we might see a beta release in Q3 09.

The article also includes detailed instructions on how to compile pre-release Chromium builds on Mac. Be sure to check it out.

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Google Chrome on Mac

Google Chrome on Mac

Google’s Mike Pikerton has posted the first screenshots of the Mac build of Google Chrome.

Apparently things are coming along nicely, with tabs now able to properly render web pages.

Mike comments that there is still a “very very long way to go” and a release date is still impossible to predict, although a July release date has been hinted at previously.

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